
What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is an integrated mind-body-energy modality, which focuses on energy flow and regulation (including mind, body & in your life) to cultivate inner balance, supporting individuals to reach their full potential and support optimal health. Central to inner balance is the regulation of the nervous system, which extends throughout the body and acts as a key influencer of overall health & how different systems talk to one another. The nervous system and our stress response can have a significant physiological impact on many systems, including immunity, digestion, and reproduction; as well as meridians & chakras, brain function & plays a key role in emotional regulation, mental health and energy production.


As a Kinesiologist, muscle testing provides access to the body’s innate intelligence for assessment and prioritising your fastest path to integration and health. Muscle testing takes into account what’s urgent, what’s important, levels of awareness, what’s symptoms versus deeper layers, and also takes into account readiness for change. The process supports unlearning conscious and unconscious habits as well as building or creating new healthy and empowering habits from conscious change through to unconscious and effortless integration and embodiment.


When fear or a survival mode dominates our conscious or subconscious mind, the efforts to replenish energy or establish healthy habits for vitality can be like pouring water into a leaky bucket. However, when we cultivate a sense of inner balance and receptiveness, optimal functioning of all other systems is promoted, supporting faster healing and regeneration. Feeling calmer generally may only be one element of change, but feeling calm doesn’t mean you’re feeling as connected or enjoying the good vibes you could be! The many other benefits of cultivating inner balance, can include feeling more social, healthy relationships, enhanced learning, positive mood, improved resilience, and increased confidence and clarity in life. Combined with other modalities or as a standalone modality, Kinesiology can become an essential partner in supporting your health needs on your wellness journey.